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  • Writer's picturePrasna Devi

Do You Need an Employment Permit in Malaysia?

Picture this - you have set up your company in Malaysia and now, you are looking to hire the best talents from within the country and around the world 🧑🏻‍💼🌏 But you are worried and unsure about the country’s employment pass and work permits 😰 Do you still need to apply for a work visa if the applicant is a foreigner who is already residing in the country? What about the types of work permits? 🤔

Well, to answer some of the most commonly asked questions, we have put together a simplified guide to get you started.

What Is an Employment Permit in Malaysia?

For those who are hiring non-resident employees who will work in Malaysia, it is important for the business to ensure that they have a valid work pass - also known as a work visa. The type of work permit issued depends on the skill of the foreign applicant, as well as the remaining quota for that sector.

The Malaysian government generally issues three different types of work permits:

  • Employment pass;

  • Temporary employment pass; and

  • Professional visit pass.

What If You Are Just Registering in the Country?

For business owners who are registering their company in Malaysia but will not have an actual physical location in the country, there are no requirements for employment passes.

You can set up a 100% Foreign Owned Company in Malaysia and operate its products or services from any other destination in the world. This can provide you, as a business owner, with the benefits of making the move to the country but also allows you to access all of the employment you need locally.

Do You Need Employees?

If you plan to bring employees in from international countries to work for your company that’s registered in Malaysia, you’ll need to select the right type of Employment Permit based on the skills and earning power of the individual. Remember to make sure the work permits and visas are valid long enough for the individual’s long term needs.

The whole process of moving your business to a new country and then to have to manage the details of how to run it, such as handling employment laws in Malaysia may feel daunting. Fortunately, we can help you with this process. Work hand-in-hand with us at JS Partners to ensure every aspect of your move is an easy one.

For further advice and information on the process of applying for employment passes or visas in Malaysia, don’t hesitate to contact us via 📲

P.S.: Effective 1st January 2021, all companies intending to apply for new or renewal employment permits for foreign workers are required to place an advertisement for the job vacancy for at least 30 days at the MYFutureJobs portal.

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